Precision in the food industry

Natural products require gentle handling. Just let it flow!

Powdered products are ubiquitous in the food industry - from ground spices, milk powder and infant formula to cocoa and protein powders, salts and starches. Each of these products has unique surface chemistry and physical properties, making the tendency to form lumps complex. The environmental parameters also play a decisive role.

Although there are flow aids that make bulk material handling easier, sometimes the use of additives is not desirable. This is where vibration technology comes into play. With a purely technical-physical approach to the micro-throw of bulk solids, vibrations with different oscillation frequencies offer gentle loosening, conveying, sieving, weighing, dosing and scattering. This is possible with both open and closed machine designs.

Our comprehensive TestLab and the bulk solids database support you in your search for the best solution through targeted conveying tests.



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